Sponsors of FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE Cologne 2023

We thankfully acknowledge support from

Platinum sponsors

Silver sponsors

Job Fair package

Short talk prize patrons

Flash talk prize patrons

Poster prize patrons


This project has also received funding from the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) and the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB).

The Company of Biologists supports this event with a Sustainable Conferencing Grant.

FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE events will offer excellent opportunities for companies to promote and seek new customers for their latest technologies, products and platforms amongst a representative community of young scientists, future research leaders, as well as established scientists.

We are nowadays looking for sponsors interested in this conference in order to expand on the core funding to allow us to support travel grants for participants.

To know sponsors opportunities, contact sponsors@enablenetwork.eu

Download here the brochure with the event information for sponsorship.