• Early bird registration period & travel grant application 1st of June - 15th of September

    * payment needs to be done to complete registration
    * submitted abstracts will be considered for talks and posters

  • Late registration period 16th of September - 29th of October

    * payment needs to be done to complete registration
    * submitted abstracts will be considered only for posters

  • Notification of travel grant awardees 29th of September
  • Notification of abstracts selected for short talks, flash talks and poster presentations 29th of September
  • The 2nd International FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE PhD and PostDoc symposium 23-25th of November, 2023

Before proceeding, make sure you read the registration guidelines below.

Registration guidelines

Registration fee

The registration fee for early bird registration is 150 EUR, while the registration fee for late bird registration is 200 EUR. This fee includes participation to the conference, workshops, career chats, as well as the gala dinner with the speakers on the evening of the 24th of November. The registration is not complete until the submission of the abstract.

Poster and short talk applications

During the event in Cologne, we want to give as many participants as possible the chance to present their research to their peers, the invited speakers, and the public.

Every participant is expected to submit a scientific abstract of their work (or planned work in the case of first year PhD students) of maximum 250 words. During the registration process, you can choose to just present a poster or also apply for a scientific talk. This year, the best posters will be selected to present a flash talk, explaining their science in just a few minutes. This allows the flask talk presenters to share their poster information to a broader platform. All the submitted abstracts will be included in the abstract list that will be available through the conference app. After the conference, participants will have the opportunity to publish their abstracts in a supplement of the journal FEBS Open Bio. Abstracts will be included individually in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index published by Web of Science.

There will be multiple prizes awarded for the best posters and talks. FEBS Open Bio and IUBMB BioFactors generously offered to award a poster prize each.

Guidelines for abstract submission


If a registrant cannot attend anymore, we do have a cancellation policy installed, with different fees that apply depending on the following timeline:

  • until the 14th of October: free cancellation (0.00 EUR)
  • from the 15th of October: 100.00 EUR

Travel grants by FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE

Travel grants by IUBMB

Due to the support of our generous sponsors, last year we managed to award more than 70 travel grants to participants. Travel grants cover your registration fee and expenses such as travel, accommodation, or poster printing. To apply, in addition to your scientific abstract, after the registration you will have to provide us with a brief motivation statement and the link to your public LinkedIn profile.

The motivation statement should have a maximum of 250 words, and it should be specified why the money is needed and how attending the conference would benefit the applicant’s career. The LinkedIn profile should be public, so that the CV can be accessed, and it should include the education and the work experience (if applicable) of the candidate.

The deadline for travel grant application has been extended to the 15th of September. Selected participants will be notified by email.

General guidelines

  • There will be two categories of travel grants: for applicants within Europe (400 EUR), and for applicants outside Europe (900 EUR). Your country of residency will be taken into account for this.
  • To be considered for a travel grant, you have to submit all the required documents (scientific abstract, motivation letter, link to your public LinkedIn CV).
  • To be awarded a travel grant, you need to have completed the registration, including paying the registration fee. Early bird registration is possible until the 15th of September.
  • For applicants that are not able to attend the conference without the travel grant, it is possible to cancel the booking without extra charges until the 30th of September.
  • The travel grant will be transferred after attending the conference, therefore the applicant needs to pay for travel, accommodation and registration costs in advance.
MilliporeSigma ENABLE Africa Fellowships
IUBMB can fund up to five fellowships of 1500 USD each to trainees from any country in Africa to attend the annual FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE Conference. This initiative is dedicated to providing research and training opportunities to the enormous talent in Africa. More details on how to apply are found by clicking here, and the registration page for these grants can be found by clicking here. The deadline for these travel grants is the 15th of September.
IUBMB Travel Fellowship
This travel fellowship is designed to cater to the needs of young researchers, PhD students or a junior researcher within 5 years of receiving their PhD, who must be a resident of a country that is full or associate member of the IUBMB. The fellowships can cover visa application, registration to the meeting, and contribution towards up to 50% of the travel costs. More details on how to apply are found by clicking here, and the registration page for these grants can be found by clicking here.
Participants are allowed to apply to only one of the travel grants and are required to pay the registration to the conference in advance.


Career day

During FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE, you will get the chance to participate in workshops and career chats. Workshops feature intense training sessions with a dedicated professional, where you can expand your skill set needed for climbing the academic or industrial career ladder. In career chats, you will have the possibility to discuss career paths with academic and industrial professionals in a small group setting.

After the registration process, we will ask you to select the workshops your are interested in and will then try to allow everybody to attend their preferred workshop. The workshops take place in the morning and afternoon in parallel to the rest of the career program. Thus, it’s possible that you miss part of the alternative program.


Food during the event

Lunch and coffee breaks during the event, as well as the conference dinner with the speakers on Thursday, are included in the registration fee.


ENABLE does not provide accommodation, but we have a list of hotels in Cologne and options for transportation from nearby airports and train stations. Please be aware that there could be other events at the same time as FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE 2023 in Cologne, so we advise you to book both your accommodation and travel as early as possible.

Handling of personal information

All personal data you submit will remain confidential. Your data will only be used to contact you regarding FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE 2023. We will use your data to register you for the conference. We will also use your data to notify you of future FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conferences but for no other purpose. You can submit a request to review your data or to delete your data from our records by contacting us.

Please be aware that FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE will take pictures and videos for promotional purposes e.g. on social media during the event. If you do not want to have your picture or video taken, you have the option to specify this during the registration process.


Do you have further questions? Check out the FAQ where they might have already been addressed.